Join a Diverse Church community
We believe growth happens most effectively in small, peer-led communities. Diverse Church has a few different communities you might be interested in joining.
All our communities are welcoming spaces, where the door is always open to newcomers. We hope to encourage communities that are open to all different denominations, particularly those with the least support for LGBTQIA+ Christian. If your faith is a little wobbly or you're not even sure whether to call yourself a Christian any more, this is the place for you!
To be run by and for LGBTQIA+ Christians (or in the case of DC:Parents, the Christian Parents of LGBTQIA+ people)
To be a confidential space, so members do not need to come out to join.
To be dedicated to peer-to-peer pastoral support where individuals can find christian community to process their understanding of LGBTQIA+ Christian identity and find meaningful friendship.