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DC welcomes "Inclusive Faith" in Northern Ireland

We are so excited that Inclusive Faith is now live! There is so much power in real life, human stories, and these stories along with the theological input will be life-giving for so many.

Inclusive Faith is not an organisation, but a group of LGBTQIA+ Christians, friends, families, allies and faith leaders, all committed to making Northern Ireland a safer, more welcoming, more affirming and more inclusive place.

Inclusive Faith describes how it was founded as follows:

This project grew from a dream that Kirsten Kearney and Pádraig Ó Tuama had several years ago to create an educational resource to help Christians in NI and beyond explore their thinking about LGBTQIA+ lives and faith. They wanted to promote sensitive and nuanced conversation around theology and its practical outworkings in real people’s lives.


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